Supporting each other in living productive and meaningful lives while having Pulmonary Fibrosis

Have you ever longed talk to someone who truly understands what you are going through? Being diagnosed with a rare illness such as pulmonary fibrosis is scary and lonely. We know that it is fatal and yet the progression will be over years and is highly variable. Many of us are isolated and don’t have others who really understand what we are dealing with. And we want live productive meaningful lives while dealing with the realities. I have found many wonderful resources for education, when I got the guts to start looking for them. Facebook and others social media outlets do provide some support, but the connection through dialog with others is limited.

I invite you to consider joining a Pulmonary Success Circle of 5-7 people to see if it works for you It is free. If you would like to join a circle, use the contact us page to send your name, and phone number and I will get back to you. Don’t worry about not knowing about the video conference capability of Zoom. If you have a laptop or computer with a camera, we will show you how to do it.

Pulmonary Success Circles consist of 5-7 members. The purpose of the circles is to have a small group of fellow travelers who support each other in their success in managing their lives while dealing with an illness. Circles would meet weekly on Zoom video conferencing. We will teach you how to use Zoom so that you can join a circle. The group will not be educational. No guest experts. It is designed to create a supportive community. As meetings progress, the group would become more intimate and truly support each other on their journey. Each success circle will develop their own agenda and ground rules although we will have a suggested format.